I have been completely neglecting my blog due to being extremely busy!! I am soo sorry, I definitely have not forgotten about you guys! I've been working [ way over] full time hours between both jobs and taking summer school...so in my free time I've been having to do homework...and well, sleep.
Not sure if anyone else has been having a crazy busy summer...but I want to share with you a few of my favourite things that help me get through it!

JC Smudge - Probably the most comfortable pairs of shoes I own!

JC Litas - 2nd most comfortable...and goes with so much

Minnetonkas are great for those 8+ hour workdays...or when you're in a rush [me, always]

Crop top so cute and comfy to throw on; at Plum For Polly

I can't live without gum!!

Most of all, I would die without my coffee! Drink of choice: dirty chai....yum!!
I have an idea of what I'm posting next, but I can't tell you yet! I promise I will be back soon with something interesting to share! ♥
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