Can we get much higher?

Thursday, July 21, 2011


I need. UNIF has been amazing lately...definitely one of my new favourites! 
You can find the Hellraiser for preorder on Solestruck.

Seen in pink here...I want both?

Kinda looks like the Christian Louboutins, but that's ok I still want them.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I have been completely neglecting my blog due to being extremely busy!! I am soo sorry, I definitely have not forgotten about you guys! I've been working [ way over] full time hours between both jobs and taking summer in my free time I've been having to do homework...and well, sleep.

Not sure if anyone else has been having a crazy busy summer...but I want to share with you a few of my favourite things that help me get through it!
JC Smudge - Probably the most comfortable pairs of shoes I own!
JC Litas - 2nd most comfortable...and goes with so much
Minnetonkas are great for those 8+ hour workdays...or when you're in a rush [me, always]
Crop top so cute and comfy to throw on; at Plum For Polly
I can't live without gum!!
Most of all, I would die without my coffee! Drink of choice: dirty chai....yum!!

I have an idea of what I'm posting next, but I can't tell you yet! I promise I will be back soon with something interesting to share!